Dunkertons Premium Organic Cider


Medium Sweet

Rich and full-bodied

500ml bottle
6.8% alcohol by vol

Traditional varieties of Cider Apple are chosen each Autumn for their particular characteristics. As soon as apples are ripe, in some years as early as September, they are delivered to the Mill in Pembridge while others are harvested in the home orchards.

They are washed, milled to a pulp and then pressed in a belt press. The juice is pumped to shining stainless steel vats for fermentation. A long slow fermentation leads to more interesting flavours, so it can be late May before ciders are ready for racking off. Tasting and blending carries on throughout the year.

Bottling takes place on the premises, while some cider is pumped across to wooden barrels in the converted 16th century barn – the shop – for tastes and draught sales.

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